This tremolo effect circuit uses the XR2206 and the TCA730 IC which is
designed as an electronic balance and volume regulator with frequency
correction. The circuit is use full for stereo channels and it also has
the ability to simulate the Lesley effect aka rotating loudspeaker
How does the tremolo effect circuit works
Balance and volume settings are done with a linear potentiometer for
both channels. If this potentiometer is replaced with an AC voltage
source, a periodic modulation of the input signal can be achieved. This
AC voltage source comes from the function generator IC XR2206. This IC
generates square, triangle and sine wave signals but for this project we
use only the sine wave.
IC Tremolo effect circuit schematic

The modulating voltage reaches pin 13 of TCA730 via P3 and R10. This input functions as the volume control or in this case the volume modulation. The degree of the balance modulation (Lesley effect) can be varied with P2. A regulated power supply using 7815 IC is recommended. Do not use a non-stabilized power supply since the current variations would influence the modulation negatively.
Attach the 7815 IC to a good heat sink (about 10 cm2).
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